Your Will: A Seat Belt That Protects Everything You Love

More than two-thirds of American adults do not have a will.* You would not think about driving to work without wearing your seat belt. So why would you risk leaving those you love unprotected by skipping this important document?

If you pass away without a will, consider how these important people in your life will be impacted:

Your spouse might have to share your estate with other relatives. The laws of the state where you live determine how much of your estate goes to your spouse. Some states give your spouse one-third of your estate, with your children sharing the rest. In certain states, your parents, siblings and other relatives could get a cut — whether you want them to or not.

Your children could get equal shares. At first glance, this might not seem like a problem. However, perhaps one child has played a greater role in your caregiving or you gave one child assistance during a financially difficult time. Do you intend to even things out by leaving your children different shares of your estate? Without a will, the state will not take this into consideration.

Your favorite charities will receive nothing. You likely have charitable causes, such as the VFW, that are important to you. When you create a will, you can include a gift that supports America’s veterans. If you pass away without a will, no state has laws that allow your estate to make charitable gifts.

Show Them How Much You Care

Creating a will that protects the important people in your life is an act of love. So stop putting off this important task. We are here to help you start the process — just contact us at 816.968.1119 or today.

*2016 NMI Healthy Aging Database® study

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