Check Your Plan’s Health

Make sure it measures up

Already have an estate plan? Does it cover everything you need it to? Evaluate your current estate plan, then add up your points. How do you score? If you do not already have a plan, see what you can accomplish by taking time to plan your future … today.

  1. Do you have a will or living trust drafted by a qualified estate planning attorney?
    Add 10 points if you have either document. ______
  2. Do you review and update your will every few years?
    Add 5 points if you do. ______
  3. Have you named an executor in your will and notified that person?
    If yes, add 3 points. ______
  4. Is your life insurance adequate for you and your family’s needs? Are the beneficiary designations up to date?
    Add 5 points if you have reviewed your coverage in the past five years. ______
  5. Do you have beneficiaries who require special care?
    Subtract 5 points if you have not made arrangements for their well-being. ______
  6. Have you established a durable power of attorney in case you become incapacitated?
    If yes, add 5 points. ______
  7. Do you have a living will or health care power of attorney?
    If you have either document in effect, add 5 points. ______
  8. Does your will name a guardian for any minor children you may have?
    If yes, add 5 points. ______
  9. Do you have a pet or farm animals? Have you made arrangements for their care if something were to happen to you?
    If no, subtract 5 points. ______
  10. Have you made any provisions for your favorite charitable organizations?
    If yes, add 5 points. ______

Total Score

35 to 43 points: Nice job! Your estate plan is in excellent condition. Make sure it stays that way by reviewing your plans regularly and after major life changes.

25 to 34 points: Consider your plans to be in fair condition. Set aside an afternoon to more thoroughly assess your plans, then contact an estate planning professional if you need help organizing and updating.

24 points or less: It is time to see an estate planning professional to make sure your plans are designed to protect the people and causes you care about most, or to get started.

Include the VFW in Your Future Plans

In addition to supporting loved ones, you can use your estate plan to make a difference for the causes you care about. Contact the VFW Planned Giving Office at or 816.968.1119 to learn how you can include the VFW in your estate plan today.

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