Estate Planning in the Digital Age

Protection when life is lived online

Most of us are living life online.

Whether it is managing a bank account, shopping online, reading the latest news or browsing on social media, just about everything we do involves technology. The sheer number of usernames, PINs and passwords we manage is maddening.

With technology playing such a huge role in our daily lives, it is important that it plays a role in your estate plan as well.

Four Steps to Securing Your Digital Estate

In four steps, you can ensure your digital estate is protected and your loved ones know how to access your information in case of an emergency.

  1. Create a list of your digital assets and passwords. Using an online management program with encryption or storing them on a USB stick are good options for keeping your information secure.
  2. Find a safe place to store your list. Your will could become public record when filed, making it a poor place to keep your list. Instead, keep it in a location that is accessible by your executor or a trusted loved one.
  3. Make a plan. Determine what you want to happen with each account and make a guide outlining the details.
  4. Consult your estate planning attorney. State laws differ when it comes to handling digital estates, and your attorney can help you create a plan that includes your digital assets.

What Is Your Legacy?

Whether online or in person, we all will leave a legacy. You can create a lasting legacy for future veterans by including the VFW in your future plans. Contact the VFW Planned Giving Office at or 816.968.1119 to learn more.

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